The second season, while still comedic, has a much darker tone, as Nancy becomes increasingly involved in the more dangerous aspects of the drug "underground". Ignoring Heylia's advice, Nancy and Conrad start their own small-scale growing operation and eventually rent a suburban grow-house. She welcomes other people into her business, including her brother-in-law Andy and Doug.
During this season, Peter Scottson tells Nancy he knows she is a drug dealer, and the two are married as part of a deal to legally protect Nancy from Peter. While Nancy's drug activities increase, Celia runs for, and wins, Doug's spot on the town council: she launches a drug-free campaign across Agrestic complete with drug-free zone signs and surveillance cameras.
As the season progresses, Nancy's children become more aware of her illegal activities, though the two sons deal with the issue in quite different ways. Shane continues to have problems fitting in at school, and ultimately takes an interest in Andy's crazy ex-girlfriend, Kat (Zooey Deschanel). Silas, on the other hand, takes out his frustrations by committing acts of vandalism, most notably stealing Celia's drug-free zone signs and cameras.
Nancy and Conrad's drug business becomes a hit as Conrad's strain of plant, which Nancy dubs "milfweed", receives rave reviews from Snoop Dogg, but their high profile causes trouble. Initially, Nancy's marriage to a DEA agent keeps her on top while her Armenian rivals are routinely busted, but her marriage to Peter deteriorates as he pressures her to quit dealing. For Nancy, the final straw is when Peter comes over for dinner and manhandles Silas. Nancy calls Conrad and tells him that she doesn't love Peter; Peter hears the conversation with wireless surveillance.
The season concludes with a complex series of betrayals, as Peter demands of Nancy and Conrad all of the cash from a quick sale of their crop. Secretly, Heylia hires Armenian mobsters to kill Peter in retaliation. Nancy's buyer, U-Turn, demands the entire crop of weed at gunpoint. Having just killed Peter, the Armenian mobsters arrive at the same time and expect the proceeds from the big sale to pay for their hit. Only then does Nancy discover that Silas has decided to force his way into the business by stealing the entire batch of weed and demanding to be part of the business. It is at this time he is approached by Celia and a police officer for the vandalism. This leaves Nancy at the grow house, in a Mexican standoff with both the gangsters and the mobsters pointing guns at her in a season-ending cliffhanger.
The fictional, affluent Los Angeles, California suburb of Agrestic (an English word meaning "characteristic of the fields or country", but having a second meaning as "crude: lacking the qualities associated with sophistication") is home to Nancy Botwin (Mary-Louise Parker), whose husband Judah (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) recently, and suddenly, died of heart failure while jogging with his son Shane.
Nancy begins dealing marijuana to locals in her suburban town in order to support her household while maintaining an upper-class lifestyle. As depicted in the series, Agrestic has a public school system, which Nancy's children (Hunter Parrish) and SilasShane (Alexander Gould) both attend. She buys from (Tonye Patano), a major distributor in the Agrestic area whom she met through Heylia JamesConrad (Romany Malco), Heylia's nephew. Nancy utilizes her baking skills and concocts pot-laced munchies to sell,
and later, with the aid of her accountant, councilman Doug Wilson, she sets up a legitimate bakery as a front for her drug sales. Silas begins dating a deaf girl (Shoshannah Stern) who lives in the area. Shane is a more troubled child, and has the nickname "Strange Botwin" at school. He has been known to act out and, for example, bites the foot of another child in martial arts class.
Nancy befriends the manic, image-obsessed, manipulative and controllingCelia Hodes (Elizabeth Perkins), president of the Agrestic PTA, who has a number of domestic problems. She does not get along with her cheating husband (Andy Milder). Nor does she get along with her older daughter, Quinn (Silas' previous girlfriend), who Celia sends her off to boarding school in Mexico in the premiere. Her younger daughter is overweight and a lesbian, and Celia berates her cruelly about both issues.
Nancy的鄰居Celia Hodes是一個狂熱、偶像崇拜、有控制欲(…manic, image-obsessed,manipulative and controlling這邊我不知道怎麼翻orz)的中年婦女,是Agrestic的PTA主席(婦聯會之類的)她有一個低能的丈夫,跟華裔網球教練搞外遇、大女兒Quinn是Silas的前女友,因為跟Silas上床就被她送去墨西哥的寄宿學校,而小女兒是一個小胖妹,還是一個女同性戀。時常受到她媽媽為了減重,在精神與肉體上的雙重折磨。
Toward the end of the season, Celia is diagnosed with bilateral breast cancer, and before her surgery she has sex with Conrad (Romany Malco). Conrad is long-time friends with AndyBotwin (Justin Kirk), the younger brother of Nancy's late husband and the black sheep of the family. Andy says he has moved into the Botwin household to help Nancy out, but seems to just be there to free-load. He decides to study to become a rabbi in order to avoid military service in Iraq.
Nancy has a brief fling with a rival drug dealer and then starts dating Peter Scottson, the parent of the kid her son bit in karate class. The season closes with Nancy's plan to become a grower. However, this plan hits complications when she sleeps with Peter, only to find out he's an agent with the DEA
一件一件說好了,早上看到這則新聞的時候當下的第一反應是「真是個雜碎!」「世間為何如此不公平!」類似這樣,非常乖巧被牽著鼻子走的想法。GOOGLE了一番以後,才知道,杜公子除了畢業於英莎翁大學拿到碩士學位以外,在應徵目前職務的時候,也提了兩份非常漂亮的企劃書,在「這都是真的」的前提之下(絕對沒有挖苦的意思)我深深的反省了自己,在沒有查證深入瞭解的情況下就在心裡幹譙了一個跟我非親非故的人。至少在這個事件,我覺得非常抱歉,故為文反省。另外則是這個英國青年的故事。該網誌裡寫了許多他旅程中的趣事(但可以想像,在過程中未必那麼有趣)文末也整理了一些讓整件事看起來更壯大、更值得一提的數據。但一言蔽之,不論對誰而言,走過這麼一遭,想必一定在生命中留下了一點,什麼吧。想起與連太在泰國前往龜島的長程夜車上,中間休息站時,遇到的一個不論穿著打扮膚色口音都讓我誤認為是當地人的日本弟兄,姑且就稱呼他為「山田泰」吧。我的旅行經驗少之又少,英文能力not only 破 but also 爛 ,雖說自認為「知道如何享受旅行的樂趣」但大抵上不會有自發性的出國衝動。山田泰兄來自日本(廢話),言談中(大部分的時候是連太談我在旁邊微笑聽/裝懂)提及了在日本原來的工作、與妻子離婚、小孩監護權在妻子那邊云云,與我們同在一輛巴士上是因為,南亞海嘯,而他打算去某個村莊,看能幫上什麼忙,就做什麼。當然,這些很有可能是我片面的解讀,但我怎麼看都不覺得他有做什麼詳細的計畫、他的行李也看起來很輕便。我可以想像、但不能體會,怎麼樣的人生,可以如英國男兒或山田泰兄一樣沒有「根」意識的活。